Fluoride Treatments for Adults - Triton Dental
Fluoride treatments are a type of dental therapy that dentists administer to patients to prevent dental cavities. Therefore, regular visits to the dentist are required if you want to preserve good dental health. Fluoride for teeth prevents early signs of tooth decay and helps to restore (remineralize) weaker tooth enamel. Despite the fact that water and food both contain fluoride, professional treatment is still vital for children who have already lost their milk teeth and are developing permanent teeth. In this blog, however, we'll concentrate on this treatment for adults. Who needs fluoride treatment the most? The problem of tooth decay is highly prevalent, especially among adults. This is so because adults have been exposed to bacteria for far longer than children have. Your teeth are protected by fluoride from acid attacks that, if left untreated, could cause tooth decay. Tooth decay and dental plaque are also significantly influenced by other factors, such as sugar.